VRM TiddlyWiki

Don’t you hate the fact that you always have to do business with vendors on their terms? Fill in their form, scan their website, suffer their adverts?

Wouldn’t it be better if you could relate to them on your terms?

Well, that’s the enlightening, empowering and lofty ambition that VRM hopes to fulfill.

Paul Downey and I attended the VRM 2008 conference in Munich this week, and presented our early thinking on the subject, using Getting Married as the basis of a case study. Paul’s slides can be found here, and I followed him by pitching the concept of using TiddlyWiki to create and distribute a ‘Personal RFP’ (Request for Proposal), as well as exploring the notion of bringing brokers into the mix.

The TiddlyWiki file in question can be seen here (I recommend right clicking the link and saving to desktop before opening from there), and I’ve created this video explaining the rationale behind this theory.

I’m interested in finding people who’d like to explore this initiative with me, particularly those from potential brokers e.g. Yell, Google, Yahoo! and other directory services or search engine operators. Likewise if I’m missing something, do please put me straight! If you’d like to get in touch, please do so via the comments!