Update from Ayuthaya, Thailand

We’re about to head into Laos where we may not be able to send updates, so we thought we’d better squeeze out another message before we go.

After Krabi we headed to Ko Pha Ngan, mainly so we could visit Ang Thong National Park (the setting for the book / film, “The Beach”). It was jaw-droppingly beautiful - after climbing the main pinnacle of the Southern-most island we had a view of the whole park (44 islands) spread out below us, sparkling in the sunshine. Awe inspiring.

We got back to Bangkok today, got our visas from the Laos Embassy, and booked train tickets up to the Laos border for Monday evening (overnight sleeper). Should arrive in the Laos capital Vientienne by Tuesday lunchtime. After that we plan to head into Vietnam, then Cambodia, before returning to Thailand to visit the North. But as we’ve changed our plans several times already we wouldn’t put money on us not doing so again.

In other news: we are feeling tanned, fit and healthy, apart from Phil’s beard which resembles something out of Steptoe & Son. Emily stepped on a dead lizard while wearing flip flops (Emily, not the lizard). And today’s highlight was a boat trip around the canals of Ayuthaya (capital of Thailand until 1760s, 80km North of Bangkok) while everyone living by the river was playing and bathing in the river, waving and smiling. Kids as cute as can be.

(2023 Update: Photos from Thailand can be found here)