So far, so good

It’s all going quite well so far, although its certainly not a case of finding the perfect routine and then basking in success! Much more a case of reacting to different problems better as time goes by. The previously mentioned Gina Ford makes applying a routine sound so easy, but there’s much more to it than that (at least where Katie is concerned).

But that isn’t to say that it hasn’t been fun; quite the opposite in fact. We’ve been out of the house a fair bit, to visit parents, the local parks and the river in Kingston, and we’re now looking forward to getting our first babysitter - and night off! - maybe in a few weeks time. That meal is going to taste good, let me tell you!

And as for Katie, well, she’s getting more interesting every day. It’s her six week birthday today - hasn’t time flown? - and when we tell other parents that she’s smiling, they tell us that it must be due to wind - but we’re not so sure.