San Francisco

I’ve just returned from San Francisco, which I hadn’t visited since 2000 (If you’d like a laugh, check out the California Journal I created back then…marvel at the background images! Gasp at the photos downgraded for dial-up! Cringe at the hand-coded html! Etc. etc.). It was a brilliant trip, mainly for work reasons – will post about that in a sec – but also I got the chance to soak up the city.

It’s a lovely place, and I really wouldn’t mind living there one day. The people are friendly, the weather is (mostly) agreeable, and there’s plenty going on. Here are a few snaps from the walk around town.

The all-too-brief visit was just brilliant. I’ve got a poor memory of anything prior to 2003. It’s not a coincidence that this is when digital photography became practical and affordable. These photos will live with me a long time!