
Isn’t technology wonderful? I must say I’ve been blown away by the general wonderfulness of Google Maps, which let’s you drag your map all over the place. And it even let’s you do a satellite view of what you’re looking at - here’s Manhatten, for example. And do you want pizza in Raynes Park? Look no further (click on the pins). Simply wonderful. Europe is next, but if you need something in the meantime then I’ve found that Maps 24 offer an inferior - but available - service. Bit clunky, and caused a java exception in my Firefox browser when I had Google Maps open in another tab, but there you go. Both are free, so we mustn’t complain.

Anyway, phew, we’ve been busy!! We’ve now painted the lounge, dining area, kitchen, back door and nursery, plus assembled all manner of furniture - including the cot. A few days after my previous posting, help arrived in the shape of Emily’s Dad, who very kindly sorted out the fireplace for us. Plus we’ve done the garden, and loads of interesting (if you like that kind of thing) flowers have burst into bloom. It looked like quite a dull garden when we bought the place, but it now seems the previous owner intentionally made it so that something would be blooming most of the time.

Emily’s pregnancy is coming along nicely - 9 weeks until the due date. She’s done loads of exercise, mostly walking and swimming, which I’m sure has contributed towards her well being. The baby is kicking plenty, and seems to respond to my voice which is kinda cool. Hopefully it will respect my supreme Fatherly authority in a couple of months too.

Some tough decisions lie ahead, not least of which is whether to go with disposable or reusable nappies. Can’t quite believe I’m writing about this on my website, but there you go. Anyway, we’ve decided to go with disposable nappies, after checking with the Environmental Agency and discovering that neither kind of nappy damages the environment more than the other. Disposable nappies are less hassle, so they will probably win. Simple.

I’m thinking of getting hold of a digital video camera to capture baby’s first moments in this world. No, I won’t be filming his or her actual emergence, before you ask! But if anyone has any advice with regard to the camera, it will be welcomed. At the moment I’m thinking of getting this one - a Canon DCR-HC42E. Any thoughts?