Photos update

I’ve finally gotten around to updating our travel photos. The ones that were previously on the photos page needed ridiculous amounts of bandwidth and recent browsers. Now they require neither. All the shots are properly catalogued and thumbnails of each picture mean you don’t have to hang around for a picture you don’t want to see. It took me a long time to do all this, so please let me have feedback!

One thing I would recommend is liberal use of the F11 button. This will expand your browser to full screen, and if you do this on the photo pages you’ll be able to see all the picture captions. You can tap F11 again to return the browser to normal size. I did it this way because I figured that (a) larger photos are better and (b) before long a larger screen resolution will become the norm.

The new photos can be accessed from here (2023 update: unfortunately the Wayback machine doesn’t cache my old photos. But all the travel photos have since been uploaded to Flickr).