Photos and Tai Chi

I’ve finally gotten around to uploading some photos from the South East Asia leg of our trip. They were taken with a standard 35mm camera, and so the quality isn’t quite as high as the digital camera - but they’re still pretty good all things considered. The photos were processed straight to a CD rather than being scanned via photographic paper, so that will have helped. The results can be seen by clicking here (2023 update: now on a Flickr page). I’ve used a free thumbnail and html generator called Web Album Generator 1.0 which seems OK. It also resized the photos and file sizes so you don’t have to wait ages for large files to download. Credit where credit is due and all that.

Through my News connection I was hoping to get hold of a great harbour shot from Australia Day, when hundreds of boats caned it under the harbour bridge in a race. I’ve got this one (2mb). It doesn’t include the bridge but shows the rest of the harbour pretty well. Hope you like it.

Some personal news: Emily has taken up meditation and we’ve both taken up “Dynamic T’ai Chi”! I’m not sure why they call it dynamic; its just T’ai Chi, plain and simple - although our teacher has promised to ‘speed it up a bit’ when we get sufficiently proficient. Photos may be uploaded to the site, so long as a decent enough bribe is received. And if someone wants to buy me a Apple Powerbook, I may even upload a movie.