
It’s been an interesting couple of weeks since I last posted an update. Week Three was pretty difficult as I went back to work, and Katie developed the symptoms of reflux (an under-developed digestive system leading to excessive vomiting) which had us worried for a while. Fortunately, Emily’s Mum had flown over from New York to help out. But in the last week or so we seem to have turned a corner - Katie is now sleeping plenty during the night, and is awake most of the daytime, and that has a huge impact on everyone in the house. As it turns out, she doesn’t have reflux - in fact her worst complaint would be that Daddy makes too loud a noise when Manchester United score a goal..

Katie is taken out for short walks in the pushchair most days, and we’re gearing ourselves up for our first longer trip, to see my parents and Sister on the other side of London. And after that, we have a wedding in November up in Scotland, for which we need photo ID (passport) for Katie, and therefore all the fun of getting her to pose for passport photos…!

So, all in all, we’re very happy with the ways things have gone.