One Year On

This week we had the one year anniversary of our return to the UK. Those caipirinhas on Copacabana beach seem a long way away now I can tell you! We didn’t even know if we could have children at that stage.

Katie is getting more and more interesting as time goes on, as you’d expect. She’s sleeping through the night now, from 7am to 7pm most nights, but with a brief feed at 10pm (that’s my job during the week). The 10pm feed gets dropped in a couple of months time, which means I’ll hardly see her during the week. So I’m making the most of it.

She’s starting to interact with her surroundings too now, reaching out to touch and grab things (whatever we’ve put within arms reach, basically!). Plus she’s smiling when she’s happy or when we smile at her, which takes the guesswork out of figuring whether she’s content or not! And she cries very little these days.

Now for some non-baby related links. If you haven’t got it already, the free Google Desktop Search facility is brilliant. Recently upgraded from brilliant to even better, in fact. Give it a spin. They’re producing some excellent stuff lately, not least of which is Google Earth. And if you want a better webmail experience, their service is a billion times better than most. And like everything else it’s free. But if you want an account you’ll need a referral, so if you want an account just let me know.

What else? Oh, I have a new toy - the Sony Ericsson K600i. It’s frickin' shweet. And it was free. And I’m particularly pleased with myself today, because I managed to hack iSync to sync all my contacts and calendars with the new phone over a wireless BlueTooth connection. iSync was supposed to do this anyway, but it didn’t, and now it does. Saved me loads of time. I’m pleased with myself!