One Week Down

We’ve successfully negotiated the first week, and all seems to be going well. Katie is proving to be quite a handful though, and we’re glad that Emily and I have each other so we can do tag-team during the night, allowing the other to get some sleep.

The day time is full of little victories; whether it be her yawning 5 minutes before she’s due to go to sleep, or not crying when we change her nappy. And she’s gradually settling into a routine (very gradually!).

I can’t help thinking how lucky our generation is that Fathers can spend some time at home after the birth. Quite apart from being able to support Emily, it’s been just magic getting to know Katie. I’ve got one more week before I go back to work, and then Emily’s Mum will come for a week. Hopefully by the time she leaves, Emily will be in good shape to look after Katie during the day.