
Finally, we have email access at home again. Hence the belated update.

The move went like a dream - nearly a month ago now - and we’ve been steadily getting hold of furniture since then. We have quite a lot of painting to do, and the main problem is that I ripped out the fireplace. It used to look awful and now it looks not much better. As yet, no-one has offered to come round and fix this mess. But hope springs eternal.

What else? Oh, now we’re suburban (darling) we have a squirrel in our garden.

And last but not least, mother and baby are coming along just fine. We just had the 20 week scan and the nurse gave everyone a clean bill of health. The baby has 10 toes, 8 fingers and two thumbs and the heart is going like the clappers. We’ve seen all the internal organs too, which was unsettling to say the least..