Final update from Sydney

As you’ve probably guessed from the heading, we’ve finally come to the end of our time in Sydney. We’ve moved out of our flat, our last day at work is tomorrow, and we fly to Perth on Wednesday.

The next month or so will be spent going up the West Coast of Australia, all the way to Darwin (‘the top end’), mostly in a campervan. Our flight from Sydney to Perth is over 3,000km, about the same as London to Moscow. Then the overland distance travelled will be well over 5,000km as we’re starting off by heading down to the South West corner. The coast is uninhabited for the large part, with about one town every day the rate we’ll be going! The Lonely Planet map gives you some idea of our route.

Updates on the website will be less regular now, as I won’t have access to Internet cafes so often. But I’ll try my best.

(2023 Update: The complete itinerary for our Round the World trip can be found here)