Catching up

(2023 Update: photos mentioned here aren’t on Flickr, so links are to the wayback machine! This was the oldest message I’ve been able to retrieve, older posts are now consigned to history…)

Finally, I’ve gotten around to uploading most of the content from the last few months. It’s been a year of weddings - six, so far, and one to go - plus a number of stag weekends, and post-wedding get-togethers, plus of course Big Brother and the World Cup have been on. So you’ll understand that I’ve been busy.

But now you can check out the photos. The thought of doing so many photos put me off the job until now, so I’ve just uploaded some of the best. If you want to see the rest, let me know in person and I’ll lend you them!

The first wedding, in April, was Damian and Helen’s, and that was followed in May by my marriage to Emily. I’m not going to get too soppy, but suffice to say it was a damn fine day. The final set of photos I’ve uploaded this time round are those from Phil and Lyn’s wedding up in Scotland. I’ll try to get some photos of Kath and Paul’s wedding up shortly.

I’ve also uploaded some photos from Emily’s and my honeymoon in Malaysia. No saucy photos in there, I’m afraid - and why would you want to see them anyway? You perverts!

I’ve even gotten around to adding a Guest Book. Well, I say adding - its a free service run by another web site. But please sign it by clicking here, or read it by clicking here. And remember, someone has to be the first one to sign it!

Cheers! Phil - August ‘02