Ten Commandments of Twitter

Thanks to everyone for your feedback, both on the blog and on Twitter! I’ve made several tweaks which I hope will keep most people happy.

If you haven’t seen the original post putting forward the suggested list and seeking feedback, you can see it here.

Before the flame war begins, I’d just like to say that I know these shouldn’t really be called commandments. But “Etiquette Requests” or somesuch just doesn’t have the same ring to it….

You can see these commandments on Twitter (if you’re a believer, sign up with a ‘Follow’). If you want to shame someone being antisocial on Twitter, just point them at @tencommandments. Job done.

A screenshot of the Twitter feed is on Flickr.

Finally, if anyone out there with mad photoshopping skillz wants to mock up an image of some better commandment tablets, I’ll be happy to add these instead (although please keep the roman numerals!). Just post them to flickr with a creative commons licence, add a comment with a link here and I’ll do the rest.

This was fun!