

A bit about me. Having lived in London most of my life, I moved to Sydney in December 2011. Been lovin’ tech all my life though. Rearin’ children and dogs since 2005, with no fingers lost so far.

I’m a big fan of Compact Discs, and music in general. My long-suffering family will tell you that I have a strong preference for 60s and 70s blues and rock. I play guitar enthusiastically at low-end-to-intermediate level. Member of The Mistakes, a below average cover band. What we lack in talent, we try to make up for with enthusiasm. Available for weddings, bar mitzvahs, etc. (you should caveat emptor on that one).

I love travel which you can see in my Flickr albums, especially going to tech conferences like SXSW. You can find me on Mastodon. You can bribe me with whisky/whiskey, smoked meat, and craft beer. And get your money back by playing me at poker. Recently started taking acting lessons, which nicely ties into my work with Altai.

I spent the 90s in marine insurance, which is more interesting than it sounds (ships going bump in the night). Then moved over to tech in 1999, and never looked back. Started as a project manager, then ran bigger programs and led digital agencies, and now mostly doing strategy and start-up work. Founder of PragmaTech, launched in 2020 during Covid, and I’m also the Chief Digital Officer for Altai. I’m also on the advisory board for Nucleotrace. There’s more on my LinkedIn page.

If you’d like to get in touch, your best bet is to go via one of those social links above, but failing that you can always try emailing me. I know email isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but it works for me!

Thanks for visiting!